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 [ STORM ] ST-704N 4’’ Heavy Duty Grinder

 Countersinks Type III with Stright Shank (3-flute type)

 Counterbores with Morse Taper Shank

 [ STORM ] ST-230 2” Angle Grinder

 Type 51

 Countersinks Type I With Morse Taper Shank (Open hole type)

 [ STORM ] ST-245A Low Speed Air Die Grinder

 Type 52

 [ STORM ] ST-120 Mini Air Angle Die Grinder

  Countersinks Type II with Morse Taper Shank (Single Flute type)

 [ HOPE ] HP-AH1340 Air Riveting hammer

 Point Drills for NC Machine

 [ HOPE ] SW-803 Clutch torque table screwdriver – Angle type

 Okazaki Product 11

 Okazaki Product 10

 [ HOPE ] HP-HH6 Pneumatic Hydraulic Riveter
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